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Thursday, March 1, 2007

Great Bonus for Public Mutual Investors!

With regards to our market’s performance during the first half of today’s trading, I would like to reassure investors that our market fundamentals remain strong and we maintain our optimistic outlook on our market's performance over the medium-term. The KLCI opened at 1,189.58 points and declined 8.17% to a low of 1,136.01. However, as of 12:30 pm today, at the end of the day’s first trading session, the KLCI has already seen some recovery, closing at 1,162.91. From our analysis, coupled with feedback from fund managers, analysts and brokers, it is clear that our market’s performance this morning is not an isolated incident.

The sharp fall experienced early in this morning’s trading session was a knee-jerk reaction to the regional market slide caused mainly by the sharp decline of the China indices yesterday. We will continue to monitor the situation but I am assured that our market will maintain its growth position in the long run. Our economy is stable and the outlook for 2007 remains positive. Our public-listed companies also continue to demonstrate progress and provide good returns to shareholders. (Statement From Dato’ Yusli Mohamed Yusoff, Chief Executive Officer, Bursa Malaysia Berhad, 28 Feb 2007)

To some the current KLCI sharp fall is bad news as they are lossing a lot of money. But I think this is a great opportunity to Public Mutual investors in the long term as they can apply the buy low sell high concept. This is a double boon for them as concurrently Public Mutual is running the Award Appreciation Campaign. They will be able to buy at a lower price per unit and at the same time get 1% free unit.

Some of the unit trust investors have switch their equity fund into bond to lock profit. But to do this you have to know where is the lowest point before KLCI bounce back, so you can switch back from bond to equity and make profit. The safer method is to diversify your investment into bond and equity for investor with a large amount of money. But to long term investors who do dollar cost averaging they don't have to do switching. The dolar cost averaging method will ensure that the units will be bought at an actual cost which is lower than the average unit price over the same period.

I think it is a hassle to do the monitoring yourself and to run around to the Public Mutual office to submit your switching form every time there is a great change in the KLCI. This is the job for your fund managers, that is why you are investing in the unit trust fund and not investing directly to the securities in the KLCI.


guebuntu said...

macam mana nak join?

Kakti_Alifaisya said...


Apa yang perlu dibuat ialah:

1)Tetapkan matlamat utk apa menyimpan.
2) Pilih dana yg sesuai dgn matlamat dan tahap risiko yg sanggup diambil.
3) Perlu mengisi borang yg boleh diperolehi dr consultant P.Mutual spt KakTi (KakTi akan consult on financial planning, monitor pelaburan dan give new update on investment news) atau pergi sendiri ke P.Mutual yg terdekat (perlu monitor sendiri pelaburan).
4) Utk penerangan lebih lanjut sila bagi no contact hp/e-mail address di e-mail address KakTi

Anonymous said...

nak tanyaboleh,
how long is the fund last,can we invest for 20-30 years,what happen to the fund if it isboughtover by some other company,will it be protected

Kakti_Alifaisya said...

Investment in the UT is for the long term. But investors are advised to review and balance their investment according to their risk profile and goals at least once a year. You may have more than one investments.

If there is a need for change of management the trustee of the fund will find the next best fund management company to manage the fund. The investor interest will be protected as stated in the fund deed that is created when a fund is to be launched. All parties have to follow the deed. The fund process is monitor by the fund trustee and governed by our securities commission.

Anonymous said...

how to put my son's name in my ut,as amanah if anytihng happen to me

Kakti_Alifaisya said...

1) Put your son name as the jointholder in the initial investment application form.


2) Put your son name as the benicifiary of the fund in your will in the context of hibah but I think it must be not more than a certain percentage of all your asset.

Anonymous said...

saya ada 10000 cash,dan sy cadang nak invest dlm piof,pidf,piadf dan piabf. dalam keadaan sekarang,where should i put my money,in 1 or in several like the above.

Anonymous said...

boleh ke sy invest dengan lain lain agent,atau boleh ke saya terus je ke public mutual office yg terdekat.adakah caj dia sama atau lain.

Kakti_Alifaisya said...

Caj yang dikenakan adalah sama sahaja. Better pakai agen, jd boleh dia monitor anda keep you updated on the investment performance and give other advice regarding your investment.

Adakah anda ingin melaburkan RM10,0000 itu sahaja atau ingin membuat penambahan lagi selepas ini? Apakah tahap risiko yang anda sanggup ambil? Apakah tujuan/matlamat pelaburan anda, untuk berapa tahun?

Anonymous said...

agent yg betul2 nak tolong kita apayah nak cari,mereka cuma nak sales and commision je,and thats the truth.Bila kita dah beli,lepas tu mereka ni akan senyap terus,kita lak yg terhegeh2 call/sms dia.Alih2 dia akan kata,its your money,u decide.So whats the whole point of having the agent.Macam mana nak cari the true agent,adake mana2 list of real agent?u see,u can tell the agent honesty when u call them,how they talk,car they drive,and how they boast have made so so sales,bla bla.U can tell,their motives when they start talk about rewards to them,etc.Once our money is in,they laugh all the way to the bank,and we the investor,start to worry.Thats almost 90% reality.So the real UTC please stand up?

Kakti_Alifaisya said...

Of course the is no list of a true agent or not. It seem that you already already list down the criteria of what a true agent should be to you.

To benefit from any kind of relationship be it personal or professional we must have trust. If you feel you cannot trust any agent and the service by an agent is not beneficial to you, then you can go to the public mutual office and get the application form to invest on your own.

I just thought by using an agent you also will be helping a fellow human being to earn a living by giving him/her the commission as whether you use an agent or not you still will be charge the same service charge.

The least you can get from an agent is the before investing advice and information. During that time you should ask a lot of question to understand about your investment to get your money worth. After that no one can guarantee an investor will get the service that they needed. There are guidelines of good practices given out to agents to follow, but there is no enforcement.

Anonymous said...

dengar citer paif nak bagi dividen,tapi lepas tu, harga dia jatuh kan,elok ke kalau saya ambik sebelum atau selepas dividen?
satu lg,saya dok pening nak pilih pidf atau piof,lagi lambat ambik,harga makin naik.pandangan kakti cam mana.?
sayang kakti.

Kakti_Alifaisya said...

Mengikut pengalaman my upline better ambil sebelum dividen dikeluarkan. Lebih-lebig lagi untuk yg ingin melabur for the long term.

Dua-dua PIOF dan PIDF menunjukkan prestasi yg baik sekarang dan ada potensi.

You can benefit from both by investing part in PIOF and part in PIDF. Yes, the longer you are losing potential gain of buying low and selling at high prices. I believe you are investing for the long term, but are still a bit afraid or unsure of investing all your hard earn money in high risk fund. So put only RM2500 in PIOF and the rest in PIDF. Once or twice a year you should review your investment and do investment allocation that suit your risk tolerance by exercising switching.

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