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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Promotion, Promotion !!!!!!

Public Mutual has launched KLIFF Award Celebration Promotion Campaign. In this campaign investors will enjoy a special promotional service charge rate of 5% of NAV for cash investments (PII and PAI) made during the pcriod of 29 Januarv 2008 till 29 Februarv 2008 into the selected Public Series of Shariah-based Funds.

The Shariah-based Funds are:

  • Public Ittikal Fund
  • Public China lttikal Fund
  • Public Asia Ittikal Fund
  • Public Islamic Equitv Fund
  • Public Islamic Opporturities Fund
  • Public Islamic Asia Dividend Fund
  • Public Islamic Asia Balanced Fund

Well investors it is a double bonus for you if you invest right now as you are getting a lower service charge at a lower per unit fund price. The fund prices are lower right now as our local equity market are affected by the flagging US economy. You must look this as an opportunity to get a lot of unit trust at a cheaper will lower down your investing cost.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

New Details on Investment thru EPF




Mulai 1 November 2007, KWSP telah melaksanakan beberapa pembaharuan dalam SKIM KWSP secara berperingkat di bawah inisiatif strategik ’Bukan Hanya Simpanan’ seperti mana yang diperuntukkan di bawah Akta KWSP 1991 (pindaan 2007). Ini termasuklah inisiatif untuk memperkenalkan Simpanan Asas bagi menentukan amaun yang layak
dilaburkan oleh ahli daripada Akaun 1 di bawah Pengeluaran Pelaburan Ahli (PPA)


Simpanan Asas ialah satu jumlah simpanan dalam Akaun 1 yang ditetapkan mengikut umur bagi membolehkan ahli memperoleh simpanan sekurang-kurangnya RM120,000 pada umur 55 tahun. Ahli boleh melaburkan simpanan dalam Akaun 1 yang melebihi simpanan asas dalam produk dan menerusi insititusi pelaburan yang diluluskan oleh
Menteri Kewangan.


3.1 Mulai 1 Februari 2008, ahli boleh melaburkan simpanan di bawah PPA tidak melebihi 20% daripada jumlah simpanan yang melebihi Simpanan Asas dalam Akaun 1.

3.2 Pelaburan ini boleh dibuat setiap 3 bulan sekali dan jumlah minimum
pelaburan ialah RM1,000.00.

3.3 Jumlah Simpanan Asas dan contoh pengiraan adalah seperti di LAMPIRAN.

3.4 Syarat-syarat am prosedur di bawah Pengeluaran Pelaburan Ahli yang lain masih kekal dan tidak berubah.


Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila layari laman web KWSP atau menghubungi Pusat Panggilan Telefon KWSP di talian 03 8732 6000 atau Emel


Sila Klik Gambar utk lihat dengan lebih jelas.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Chance for you to increase the return of your EPF savings

I've been waiting for this chance for a long time and now it will be realized. Before this only high income individuals or who have been working for a long time will be able to invest their EPF savings in the unit trust.

Beginning 1 February 2008, 11.4 million EPF members can invest as long as their account 1 amount exceed the required savings amount.

The basic amount that each members have to have is based on their age:
1) 25 years old (RM9,000)
2) 30 years old (RM18,000)
3) 35 years old (RM29,000)
4) 40 years old (RM44,000)
5) 45 years old (RM64,000)
6) 50 years old (RM90,000)
7) 55 years old (RM120,000)

The basic quantum of saving will be access every five years.

Example of calculation: Ali is 30 years old and has RM30,000 in account 1. For 30 years old the basic saving/min that they must have in account 1 is RM18,000. So the amount that he can invest in UT is 20% from (RM30,000 - RM18,000 = RM12,000), amounted to RM2,400. The investor still will have to pace their saving to every 3 months. Same as before.

Table below show the real return that you as EPF member get from EPF savings:

Year2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Dividend Rate (%) 5.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.15
Inflation Rate(%) 1.40 1.80 1.20 1.40 3.00 3.60
Real Dividend Rate (%) 3.60 2.45 3.30 3.35 2.00 1.55

So to all EPF memmbers, lets' put your EPF saving into a higher return vehicle....

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